Dog - Bloody Stool

Let's face it - dogs do and eat strange things. Your dog's bloody stool could be the result of many things, like an infection due to eating debris or something nasty, medication he/she may be on, stomach ulcers, cancer, or other illness. A metabolic disease or a condition known as hemorrhagic gastroenteritis may also cause your dog to have a bloody stool.

A dog whose only issue is a bloody stool may be otherwise the picture of perfect canine health and will probably recover in short order. Diet changes or minor illness can sometimes irritate the bowels and cause a bloody stool, the symptoms of which normally pass fairly quickly with no medical treatment required. However, if your dog is suffering from any of the above conditions with an additional loss of appetite, vomiting, and lethargy for an extended period of time, he may have a serious problem and a quick trip to the Vet is in order.


If you determine that your dog is to be treated at home, it's probably a good idea to prepare your dog's usual meal (assuming that the food itself has been more or less ruled out as the culprit). Changing the diet at this point may cause additional upset and bowel irritation. Your vet may recommend certain brands of dog food or prescribe medication to ease the dog's symptoms while he recovers. Whatever course of action you choose, keep your Vet informed of any changes in your dog's condition, and pay him a visit if needed.

Dog - Bloody Stool

Casey Donahue is an experienced dog owner/lover whose passion is sharing his enthusiasm and common-sense dog health information with other pet friendly people.

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